TJM Shop
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  • gray_210x100 gray_210x100 TJM Hat, Gray
  • beige_210x100 beige_210x100 TJM Hat, Beige
  • white_210x100 white_210x100 TJM Hat, White
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  • Samantha-Carlson-CD-Cover126x134 Samantha-Carlson-CD-Cover126x134 Samanth Carlson, Day In - Day Out
Samantha Carlson


Samantha Carlson's new CD

"Day In - Day Out"

Music is Samantha's passion and her life. She sings the classic standards from the 1920s through today, as well as jazz, big band, show-tunes, country, oldies, classical, opera, and pop.

Welcome to The Jazz Manor

This website is dedicated to the people who love jazz. It is also designed to enlighten those who are curious about jazz music and just beginning to take notice of this American true art form. We hope to educate, entertain, and generate conversation for all visitors to this site. We are here to guide you to events that involve the music, the artist, and the lifestyles of the Jazz world.         

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Herbie has spoken!!!

Poll Question:

Who among them is the "Greatest Jazz Pianist"?
